Why are we called Mount Zion Church of the Firstborn?

Learn more about MZCF's history, mission, vision and core values.

Why are we called Mount Zion Church of the Firstborn?
MZCF's Mission, Vision and Core Values
Statement of Faith
The Vision of Zion
History of MZCF
The Ministry Team
Ministry Areas

Mount Zion is a mountain near Jerusalem formerly inhabited by ancient Jebusites, conquered by King David and made the capital of his kingdom and center of the worship of God. It symbolizes the final completion of Israel's journey into the Promised Land that started from the land of slavery and bondage which was Egypt, "You will bring them in and plant them in the mountain of Your inheritance, in the place, O LORD, which You have made for Your own dwelling, the sanctuary O LORD, which Your hands have established." (Exodus 15:17, NKJV). It was Mount Zion that the priceless Ark of the Covenant was placed underneath a pitched tent which later came to be known as the Tabernacle of David. It was here that King David established a glorious twenty four-hour praise and worship led by prophetic singers and musicians.

By being identified with Mount Zion, we simply would like to say that we desire to enter into the fullness of God's purposes and rich inheritance in Christ part of which is being conformed to His image and being overcomers ready to rule with Him for eternity.

A firstborn (in the Bible) is entitled to special rights and privileges which are not given to any other children in the family. As a firstborn, he becomes the head of his family when the father dies. He is respected and honored by his siblings. Moreover, a firstborn is entitled to a double portion of the inheritance. As an example, if there are five siblings, the inheritance will be equally divided into six portions, and two of these will be given to the firstborn.

By being named as a Church of the firstborn we are declaring our desire to fulfill God's calling on us to provide vision and leadership to the body of Christ and to receive as well the rich, double portion of blessings of God in both material and spiritual matters.